How to give delegate access to your GoDaddy account

Giving Delegate Access to my GoDaddy Account

Giving someone delegate access to your GoDaddy account is a very simple process. Follow these 4 steps and you and your web developer should be well on their way to getting your site up and running.

What is Delegate Access?

Delegate access gives a third party the ability to access and operate your account. People who need this access are developers, web designers, or someone who facilitates your business’ digital needs.

So if you don’t want to deal with setting up hosts, SSL certificates, and more, you may ask someone more tech savvy to help. Thus, the need for delegate access.

What not to do!

Do NOT give your personal login information or account number to anyone. Doing so can put you and your GoDaddy account at risk.

Trust is a fickle thing and our advice is to never give out this information.

Godaddy has introduced the delegate access feature for this exact reason. It’s to protect their users while still giving them ability to allow other to peer into their account.

If you already gave your username, password, and account number to someone, please go and update your password so they can no longer access it.

Is it safe to give someone access to my GoDaddy account?

Yes, it is safe to give someone “delegate” access to your GoDaddy account.

Providing this kind of access allows you as the account owner to stay in control. This means you can upgrade, downgrade, or even revoke a person’s access to your account at any time.

Steps to providing delegate access:

  • Step 1: Login to and go to “My Products”
  • Step 2: In the top left hand corner, click on “Account Settings,” then scroll & click on “Delegate Access”
  • Step 3: On the right side of the screen, click the “Grant Access” button and fill in the necessary information of the person you want to give access to
  • Step 4: Choose the level of access the individual should have, and then click “Invite”

You’re all done!

The person you invited will receive an email from GoDaddy and will need to accept the invite within 48 hours. If they do not, you will have to send them an invite again by repeating the steps above.

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